„Kohel – the spoken memory,“ a captivating collaboration among the dynamic Duo Basma Jabr & Orwa Saleh and writer Oula Al Khatib. This performance celebrates heritage, expressionism, and the power of spoken words, taking audiences on an emotional journey.

Basma Jabr and Orwa Saleh, known for their harmonious blend of Syrian musical heritage and contemporary expressionism, redefine „Kohel“ with soulful vocals and resonating Oud melodies. In Vienna, they’ve perfected their craft, using minimalism to explore the potential of voice and Oud.

Adding depth, Oula Al Khatib, an accomplished writer in scriptwriting, theatre, and documentaries, enriches „Kohel – the spoken memory“ with her storytelling. Her diverse background and insight into human psychology promise a narrative that resonates on multiple levels.

With intertwined threads of music, poetry, and storytelling, „Kohel“ transcends borders, inviting audiences to immerse in human expression. Join this extraordinary journey as Basma Jabr, Orwa Saleh, and Oula Al Khatib craft an unforgettable performance that ignites senses and leaves lasting memories.

Eintritt: €15 (Abendkassa only)


28. September 2023@ 20:00